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SKR's Resources

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I am a primary English teacher since 2001. Most of my uploaded resources are created for my students. In case you need any resources about any topics (any format), leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Thank you!




I am a primary English teacher since 2001. Most of my uploaded resources are created for my students. In case you need any resources about any topics (any format), leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Thank you!
Feedback VS Feedforward PPT

Feedback VS Feedforward PPT

It is important for our students to be given feedback on how they are performing presently. However, to keep in mind the task that has been done and assessed in the past, keeps them in the past somehow. Rather we should apply feedforward strategy to focus on future tasks and set goals in advance. This ppt/pdf focuses on comparison and contrast of both strategies to help you explain them to your students. Thank you!
Online learning  Instructional Engagement

Online learning Instructional Engagement

Due to pandemic, a shift to blended/online learning has caused several issues for both students and teachers. I have created this PPT for helping teachers worldwide recognise what instructional engagement is, its causes and strategies to help teachers involve students during online teaching and learning. This resource can be downloaded and used by teachers or leaders for professional development purposes.
Managing mixed abilities within a classroom

Managing mixed abilities within a classroom

This resource is exclusively prepared to cater and manage mixed abilities within a classroom, regardless of the age or subject. It answers three main questions such as re-engaging students, parents involvement and using formative assessments during the teaching and learning process. If you need any help to use this resource, please feel free to contact me or write me in comment section. Thank you!
Quick Plenary ideas for any classroom

Quick Plenary ideas for any classroom

Plenary is usually done at the end of a lesson to check students’ understanding and knowledge. In this resource, I have given some engaging ideas with exaples to be adapted for any age level, subject or classroom. Please provide feedback if you find it useful and interesting. If you have any questions or concerns, comment or ask a question. Thanking you in advance!